Yup ... I got an actual Golden Eagle - Great moment in time.
2014 - Italy Visual Art's Golden Eagle Award of Creativity The Curatorial remarks of Professor Iris Missaggia
Expo’ Internazionale della Pace e dell’Arte VisivaContemporanea VisualArt’sGoldenEagle2014
Conferment for artistic merits assigned to the Artist
Imaginativeand full of joy, Jeanette said with original technique and composition full of freedom, the surrounding world, perceived in fragments, as in a race to the images that are full of color for the lighter, lit by spots mixed. A world al most childlike, but never dull, rich and simple at the same time. Search this interesting composition that has the gift tobrighten the userandcarryitinarealityofhighaestheticvalues. Dott.ssa Iris Missaggia Prof.ssa di Storiadell’Arte Critico e Storico dell’Arte Salerno,exMuseodelFalso 18.01.2014
As I sit here yet again in the beautiful freezing cold vistas of Canada came the words and insights of Iris Missaggia, Prof.ssa di Storia dell'Arte, Critico e Storico dell'Arte that warmed my heart. Curatorial remarks that where shared at the opening of The Visual Art's Golden Eagle 2014 awards night on January 18th, 2014. An exhibition of poetry and Art organized by Bruno di Cerbo and renown Poet, Silvia Calzolari. I have to tell you it did bring tears to my eyes, no greater gift can be given to an artist then seeing others connect to your humble offerings, and they even translated it for me.. how awesome they are.