Georgian College School of Design and Visual Arts, Barrie, Ontario
Sheridan College School of Design, Oakville, Ontario
2019 OCADU Summer Studio Master Class, Florence, Italy
2009 Ontario Art Council – Artists in the Classroom
2008 | Georgian College, Barrie, Ontario, Summer Printmaking Studio, Tim Lauren
2008/04 | Instruction in working with glass, Huronia Art Glass, Barrie, Ontario
2007 | Georgian College, Barrie, Ontario, Summer Printmaking Studio, Tim Lauren
2005 | Georgian College, Barrie, Ontario, Summer Printmaking Studio, Stu Oxley
1994/93 | Georgian College, Barrie, Ontario, Ceramics, Derek Martin
1982 | Oil Painting with W.W. Gelder, Streetsville, Ontario
1980 | Portrait Painting with Arthur Edward Cleeve Horne, Toronto, Ontario
2017 Contemporary Visual Art "Golden Eagle Award 2017" Roman Temple of Pomona, Salerno, Italy
2015 Kandinsky Award for Creativity, I Colori dell' Arte, Salerno, Italy.
2015 Ontario Arts Council Exhibition Assistance Grant
2014 ArtROM - WOMEN IN THE ARTS Edition 4 (Top Ten - Italy)
2014 ARTslant - 6th. 2014 Showcase Winner - Category Drawing
2014 ARTslant - 5th. 2014 Showcase Winner - Category Drawing
2014 ARTslant - 4th. 2014 Showcase Winner - Category Drawing
2014 ARTslant - 3rd. 2014 Showcase Winner - Category Drawing
2014 Curry’s Art Award (HM) ‘Drawing 2014’ John B. Aird Gallery, Toronto, Ontario - Jury Ed Pein and Dale Barret.
2014 The Great Visual Art’s GOLDEN EAGLE Trophy and Award, Salerno, Italy
2013 Award for Creativity, Salerno, Italy Spettacolo di Arti Visive :’ … I colori dell’Arte’
2013 City of Barrie Art and Culture Artist Grant, Barrie, Ontario Canada
2012 Ontario Arts Council Exhibition Assistance Grant
2009 Barrie Art Club Scholarship Award, SDVA Georgian College, Barrie, Ontario, Canada
2009 Fine Arts "Excellence in Studio Award, SDVA Georgian College Barrie, Ontario, Canada
2008 Fine Arts "Excellence in Studio" Awards, SDVA Georgian College Barrie, Ontario, Canada
2008 Jurors’ Choice Award, S.S.A.C. Emerging Artists (Mill Pond Gallery), Alliston, Ontario, Canada
Art Talks:
Simcoe Reads 2022 – Representing Innisfil – Not on My Watch Alexandra Morton
Five Libraries - Five Champions - Five Books.
2020 Barrie Library, Coffee Day Culture Chat
2021 Innisfil IdealLab and Library, Artist Talk
2024 _22 MacLaren Art Centre, Program Advisory Committee, Barrie, Ontario
2024 -2016 Advisory Committee for the Fine Arts and Design Program, SDVA Georgian College, Barrie Ontario
2022-2019 Director/Curator, be contemporary gallery, Innisfil, Ontario Canada: a commercial art gallery Be Contemporary Gallery.
2024_19 Innisfil Sculpture Group - Founding Member (Organizer) Innisfil Sculpture Group is an artist collaborative formed in the interest of bringing awareness to the visual art practice of sculpture. Vision and Mission: Expand public awareness and appreciation of sculpture through the creation and understanding of sculpture and its unique and vital contribution to society. Engage artists and arts professionals in a dialogue to advance the art form, through education, effect social change to promote a supportive environment for sculptures and sculptors in Innisfil, Ontario.
2022_17 PRNT Collective - Founding/Sustaining Member - Acting President. PRNT is an artist collective located in Barrie, Ontario dedicated to fostering the printmaking arts. The fifteen founding members focus on both traditional and contemporary practices such as; letterpress, relief, intaglio, lithography and screen printing. PRNT strives to build audiences and interest in printmaking by engaging the broader creative community with its programs and exhibitions.
2024-11 Innisfil Arts, Culture and Heritage Council (IACHC) Vice Chair (2011 Interim Chair Strategic Committee/Founding Chair forming the IACHC-
2023_ 11 Celebrate Lake Simcoe, Executive Member, Environmental Group, Innisfil, Ontario
2019_17 Gshkoziwin Program — The Milkweed Collective South Simcoe
2018 Certified Mentor - The Milkweed Collective South Simcoe
2017 Gshkoziwin Apprenticeship Program - Certified Facilitator - The Milkweed Collective South Simcoe
2012 - 2011 Founding Chair - Innisfil Arts, Culture and Heritage Council
2012 - 2011 Innisfil Economic and Development Advisory Committee -Arts, Culture and Heritage Representative
2022 - Adjudicator, City of Barrie, Granting Program.
2022-2020 Director/Curator, be contemporary gallery, Innisfil, Ontario Canada
2021 Adjudicated - Newmarket Group of Artists, Juried Exhibition
2020 Adjudicated - Art on Main, South Simcoe Art Council Showcase Event. Alliston, Beeton,
2019 Adjudicated - The Creative Cup Challenge, Villiage of Cookstown, Innisfil, Ontario
2019 Adjudicated - Georgian College Jewelry and Metal Works Scholarship Show, Barrie, Ontario
2019 Curatorial - #ISDay, International Sculpture Day in Innisfil April 23 to May 4, 2019 A Town wide exhibit of public art in uncommon places. Visit for more information.
2019 Adjudicated - - Richmond Hill Group of Artist, 41st Annual Juried Art Show, Mill Creek Gallery, Richmond Hill, Ontario.
2019 Gshkoziwin Apprenticeship Program Mentor/Facilitator for Adults and Students, South Simcoe School Board, St. Paul Centre in Orillia.
2018 Organizer - The Innisfil Studio Tour - Youth Art Show
2018 Gshkoziwin Apprenticeship Program Mentor/Facilitator for Adults and Students - The Milkweed Collective South Simcoe
2017 Juror - The Innisfil Studio Tour - Youth Art Program Exhibition.
2017 Gshkoziwin Apprenticeship Program Mentor/Facilitator - The Milkweed Collective South Simcoe
2016 Jury - The Innisfil Studio Tour - Youth Art Program Exhibition.
2016 Form and Freedom - workshop in creating intuitively, Art World Fine Art Gallery, Toronto, Ontario.
2015 Juror - The Innisfil Studio Tour - Youth Art Program Exhibition.
2015 Adopt a Class - Barrie Art Program - St. John Pauls Elementary School - A journey through abstraction - drawing to sculpture.
2015 Artist Talk - The Aurora Cultural Centre
2014 Artist Talk - The Front Room Gallery, Barrie, Ontario
2014 Artist Talk- Art World Fine Art, Toronto
2014 Art Talk/Facilitator Painting Workshop - Abstraction - Art World Fine Art, Toronto
2014 Art Talk/Demo - ‘Sensing Abstraction’ Barrie Art Club
2014 Art Instruction/Facilitator - Workshop - ‘Sensing Abstraction’ = abstraction” Simoce County Palette Club
2014 Juror - The Innisfil Studio Tour - Youth Art Program Exhibition
2013 Art Instruction/Facilitator - Workshop - “Creating differently - opening the door to aabstraction” Simoce County palette Club
2012 Community Art Canvas Facilitator - Culture Days, Art ceSoir - Barrie, Ontario (September 29, 2012)
2012 Community Art Canvas - Art Project Coordination/Facilitator IACHC - Celebrate Lake Simcoe Innisfil Beach Park, July 28, 2012
2011 - 2010 Curatorial - Watershed Art Project - Artist Afloat - Marketing and Promotional, Blog development - Logo design
2011 Art Instruction/Facilitator - South Simcoe Art Council Summer Art Camp
2011 Juror, for Town of Innisfil, Student Art Contest
2011 Art Instructor/Facilitator - Abstract Art - Workshop, Gibson Centre, Alliston, Ontario
2010 Juror, Bradford Studio Tour, for South Simcoe Art Council
2010 Art Instructor/Facilitator - South Simcoe Art Council Summer Art Camp Workshop – set design (children ages 8 -13 years)
2010 Art Instructor/Facilitator - Abstract Art - Workshop, Gibson Centre, Alliston, Ontario
2009 Juror, Elementary School, for South Simcoe Art Council, re: Student Art Competition, Everett Art Fest
2009 Art Instructor/Facilitator - Printmaking Workshop: Gallery on Queen, Innisfil Ontario A one-day workshop in experimental printmaking
2009 Art Instructor/Facilitator - South Simcoe Art Council Summer Art Camp Workshops in printmaking and painting (children ages 8 -13 years)
2008 Curatorial - Exchange Exhibition 2008, Initiate and Coordination Two Exhibition - Barrie Art Club, Barrie, and Zephyr Art Gallery, Orillia
1998 - 1996 MacLaren Art Centre - volunteer - graphic design - volunteer newsletter, magazine ads, etc.
1997 Docent, MacLaren Art Centre, Barrie, Ontario (Maple Hill location)
1997 Art Instruction/Facilitator— Sunnybrae Elementary School: Developed and Instructed a Mural Project for students grades 7 and 8
2023- 1985 Graphic Design and Illustration - Janan Arts
Public galleries include: MacLaren Art Centre (Barrie), SDVA Georgian College (Barrie), Quest Gallery (Midland), OMAH Orillia Museum of Art & History (Orillia), Aurora Culture Centre (Aurora)
Municipalities include Town of Innisfil (Sculpture in uncommon places) and Innisfil Library IdealLab (Ice Hut Project), City of Barrie (City Hall Gallery), The Georgina Centre for Arts & Culture (Sutton), Art Gallery of Northumberland, South Simcoe Art Council Gallery (Alliston), BMFA Blue Mountain Foundation for the Arts (Collingwood), The Gibson Gallery (Alliston), Hamilton Conservatory for the Arts Gallery (Hamilton), Kathleen Gormely McKay Art Gallery (Unionville)
For-profit galleries and through membership in Artist Co-operatives include: be contemporary gallery (Innisfil), PRNT Collective (Barrie), Barrie Art Club (Barrie), Double Door Studios & Gallery (Anten Mills), Front Room Gallery (Barrie), Marlow Gallery (Barrie), Gallery 21 (Tottenham), Coldwater Gallery (Coldwater), The Gibson Gallery (Alliston), Le Studio Gallery (Le Fontaine), The White Water Gallery (North Bay), The Mad & Noisy Gallery (Creemore), The Bartlett Gallery (Alton), Kathleen Gormely McKay Art Gallery (Unionville), Art Square Gallery (Toronto), Summer in the City Gallery (Toronto), John B. Aird Gallery (Toronto), Gallery De Goede (Toronto), Art World Fine Art (Toronto), Gallery Moos / Gallery ART 11 (Montreal), Gallery Hittite (Toronto)
Advisory Boards:
Jeanette has served on the Georgian College's Fine Art and Graphic Media Advisory Committee for the past six years (2018 – 2024) and for two years on the MacLaren’s Art Centre’s Programming Committee(2022 – 2024), and thirteen years on the Innisfil’s Art, Culture, and Heritage Council (IACHC) (2011 to 2024). Celebrate Lake Simcoe, Executive Member, Environmental Group, Innisfil, Ontario (2011-2023). She has adjudicated numerous grant programs and artists' exhibitions across Ontario throughout the years.
Community Involvement
2024 - 2008 Benefactor Art Program, MacLaren Art Centre, Barrie, Ontario
2023 Youth Art Show, Innisfil Art Culture and Heritage Council Initiative, Innisfil, Ontario
2022 #ISDay - International Sculpture Day, Curated Exhibition at be contemporary gallery, Innisfil, Ontario
2021 #ISDay - International Sculpture Day, Curated Exhibition at be contemporary gallery, Innisfil, Ontario
2020 #ISDay - International Sculpture Day, Curated Exhibition at be contemporary gallery, Innisfil, Ontario
2020 #ISDay - International Sculpture Day - Facilitated a partnership between Innisfil IdeaLAB and Innisfil Sculpture Group, co-curated a town wide exhibition of sculptures with the interest of public art in some unlikely places to recognizing the power of sculpture in public spaces — post poned. Sculpture Exhibtion presented.
2019 #ISDay - International Sculpture Day - Facilitated a partnership between Innisfil IdeaLAB and newly formed Innisfil Sculpture Group, co-curated a two week, town wide exhibition of sculptures with the interest of public art in some unlikely places to recognizing the power of sculpture in public spaces.
2022 - 2018 IACHC - Organized Innisfil Studio Tour, Youth Art Show, Innisfil, Ontario
2017 IACHC - Organized Innisfil Studio Tour, Great Eight Art Show, Innisfil, Ontario
2022 -2018 Vice Chair- Innisfil Art, Culture and Heritage Council, Innisfil Ontario
2019-2017 Director - Innisfil Art, Culture and Heritage Council, Innisfil Ontario
2012 - 2011 Director Community Engagement - Innisfil Arts, Culture and Heritage Council
2012 - 2011 Founding Chair - Innisfil Arts, Culture and Heritage Council
2012 - 2011 Interm Chair/Steering Committee for the Development of the Innisfil Arts, Culture, and Heritage Council
2012- 2009 Lake Simcoe Watershed Art Project Artists Afloat- A founding member (Steering Committee)
2009 - 2007 Management Committee, Zephyr Art Gallery, Orillia, Ontario
2007 - 2006 Barrie Art Club – Executive Committee, Newsletter Publication, Barrie Ontario
Georgian College School of Design and Visual Arts, Barrie, Ontario
Sheridan College School of Design, Oakville, Ontario
2019 OCADU Summer Studio Master Class, Florence, Italy
2009 Ontario Art Council – Artists in the Classroom
2008 | Georgian College, Barrie, Ontario, Summer Printmaking Studio, Tim Lauren
2008/04 | Instruction in working with glass, Huronia Art Glass, Barrie, Ontario
2007 | Georgian College, Barrie, Ontario, Summer Printmaking Studio, Tim Lauren
2005 | Georgian College, Barrie, Ontario, Summer Printmaking Studio, Stu Oxley
1994/93 | Georgian College, Barrie, Ontario, Ceramics, Derek Martin
1982 | Oil Painting with W.W. Gelder, Streetsville, Ontario
1980 | Portrait Painting with Arthur Edward Cleeve Horne, Toronto, Ontario
2017 Contemporary Visual Art "Golden Eagle Award 2017" Roman Temple of Pomona, Salerno, Italy
2015 Kandinsky Award for Creativity, I Colori dell' Arte, Salerno, Italy.
2015 Ontario Arts Council Exhibition Assistance Grant
2014 ArtROM - WOMEN IN THE ARTS Edition 4 (Top Ten - Italy)
2014 ARTslant - 6th. 2014 Showcase Winner - Category Drawing
2014 ARTslant - 5th. 2014 Showcase Winner - Category Drawing
2014 ARTslant - 4th. 2014 Showcase Winner - Category Drawing
2014 ARTslant - 3rd. 2014 Showcase Winner - Category Drawing
2014 Curry’s Art Award (HM) ‘Drawing 2014’ John B. Aird Gallery, Toronto, Ontario - Jury Ed Pein and Dale Barret.
2014 The Great Visual Art’s GOLDEN EAGLE Trophy and Award, Salerno, Italy
2013 Award for Creativity, Salerno, Italy Spettacolo di Arti Visive :’ … I colori dell’Arte’
2013 City of Barrie Art and Culture Artist Grant, Barrie, Ontario Canada
2012 Ontario Arts Council Exhibition Assistance Grant
2009 Barrie Art Club Scholarship Award, SDVA Georgian College, Barrie, Ontario, Canada
2009 Fine Arts "Excellence in Studio Award, SDVA Georgian College Barrie, Ontario, Canada
2008 Fine Arts "Excellence in Studio" Awards, SDVA Georgian College Barrie, Ontario, Canada
2008 Jurors’ Choice Award, S.S.A.C. Emerging Artists (Mill Pond Gallery), Alliston, Ontario, Canada
Art Talks:
Simcoe Reads 2022 – Representing Innisfil – Not on My Watch Alexandra Morton
Five Libraries - Five Champions - Five Books.
2020 Barrie Library, Coffee Day Culture Chat
2021 Innisfil IdealLab and Library, Artist Talk
2024 _22 MacLaren Art Centre, Program Advisory Committee, Barrie, Ontario
2024 -2016 Advisory Committee for the Fine Arts and Design Program, SDVA Georgian College, Barrie Ontario
2022-2019 Director/Curator, be contemporary gallery, Innisfil, Ontario Canada: a commercial art gallery Be Contemporary Gallery.
2024_19 Innisfil Sculpture Group - Founding Member (Organizer) Innisfil Sculpture Group is an artist collaborative formed in the interest of bringing awareness to the visual art practice of sculpture. Vision and Mission: Expand public awareness and appreciation of sculpture through the creation and understanding of sculpture and its unique and vital contribution to society. Engage artists and arts professionals in a dialogue to advance the art form, through education, effect social change to promote a supportive environment for sculptures and sculptors in Innisfil, Ontario.
2022_17 PRNT Collective - Founding/Sustaining Member - Acting President. PRNT is an artist collective located in Barrie, Ontario dedicated to fostering the printmaking arts. The fifteen founding members focus on both traditional and contemporary practices such as; letterpress, relief, intaglio, lithography and screen printing. PRNT strives to build audiences and interest in printmaking by engaging the broader creative community with its programs and exhibitions.
2024-11 Innisfil Arts, Culture and Heritage Council (IACHC) Vice Chair (2011 Interim Chair Strategic Committee/Founding Chair forming the IACHC-
2023_ 11 Celebrate Lake Simcoe, Executive Member, Environmental Group, Innisfil, Ontario
2019_17 Gshkoziwin Program — The Milkweed Collective South Simcoe
2018 Certified Mentor - The Milkweed Collective South Simcoe
2017 Gshkoziwin Apprenticeship Program - Certified Facilitator - The Milkweed Collective South Simcoe
2012 - 2011 Founding Chair - Innisfil Arts, Culture and Heritage Council
2012 - 2011 Innisfil Economic and Development Advisory Committee -Arts, Culture and Heritage Representative
2022 - Adjudicator, City of Barrie, Granting Program.
2022-2020 Director/Curator, be contemporary gallery, Innisfil, Ontario Canada
2021 Adjudicated - Newmarket Group of Artists, Juried Exhibition
2020 Adjudicated - Art on Main, South Simcoe Art Council Showcase Event. Alliston, Beeton,
2019 Adjudicated - The Creative Cup Challenge, Villiage of Cookstown, Innisfil, Ontario
2019 Adjudicated - Georgian College Jewelry and Metal Works Scholarship Show, Barrie, Ontario
2019 Curatorial - #ISDay, International Sculpture Day in Innisfil April 23 to May 4, 2019 A Town wide exhibit of public art in uncommon places. Visit for more information.
2019 Adjudicated - - Richmond Hill Group of Artist, 41st Annual Juried Art Show, Mill Creek Gallery, Richmond Hill, Ontario.
2019 Gshkoziwin Apprenticeship Program Mentor/Facilitator for Adults and Students, South Simcoe School Board, St. Paul Centre in Orillia.
2018 Organizer - The Innisfil Studio Tour - Youth Art Show
2018 Gshkoziwin Apprenticeship Program Mentor/Facilitator for Adults and Students - The Milkweed Collective South Simcoe
2017 Juror - The Innisfil Studio Tour - Youth Art Program Exhibition.
2017 Gshkoziwin Apprenticeship Program Mentor/Facilitator - The Milkweed Collective South Simcoe
2016 Jury - The Innisfil Studio Tour - Youth Art Program Exhibition.
2016 Form and Freedom - workshop in creating intuitively, Art World Fine Art Gallery, Toronto, Ontario.
2015 Juror - The Innisfil Studio Tour - Youth Art Program Exhibition.
2015 Adopt a Class - Barrie Art Program - St. John Pauls Elementary School - A journey through abstraction - drawing to sculpture.
2015 Artist Talk - The Aurora Cultural Centre
2014 Artist Talk - The Front Room Gallery, Barrie, Ontario
2014 Artist Talk- Art World Fine Art, Toronto
2014 Art Talk/Facilitator Painting Workshop - Abstraction - Art World Fine Art, Toronto
2014 Art Talk/Demo - ‘Sensing Abstraction’ Barrie Art Club
2014 Art Instruction/Facilitator - Workshop - ‘Sensing Abstraction’ = abstraction” Simoce County Palette Club
2014 Juror - The Innisfil Studio Tour - Youth Art Program Exhibition
2013 Art Instruction/Facilitator - Workshop - “Creating differently - opening the door to aabstraction” Simoce County palette Club
2012 Community Art Canvas Facilitator - Culture Days, Art ceSoir - Barrie, Ontario (September 29, 2012)
2012 Community Art Canvas - Art Project Coordination/Facilitator IACHC - Celebrate Lake Simcoe Innisfil Beach Park, July 28, 2012
2011 - 2010 Curatorial - Watershed Art Project - Artist Afloat - Marketing and Promotional, Blog development - Logo design
2011 Art Instruction/Facilitator - South Simcoe Art Council Summer Art Camp
2011 Juror, for Town of Innisfil, Student Art Contest
2011 Art Instructor/Facilitator - Abstract Art - Workshop, Gibson Centre, Alliston, Ontario
2010 Juror, Bradford Studio Tour, for South Simcoe Art Council
2010 Art Instructor/Facilitator - South Simcoe Art Council Summer Art Camp Workshop – set design (children ages 8 -13 years)
2010 Art Instructor/Facilitator - Abstract Art - Workshop, Gibson Centre, Alliston, Ontario
2009 Juror, Elementary School, for South Simcoe Art Council, re: Student Art Competition, Everett Art Fest
2009 Art Instructor/Facilitator - Printmaking Workshop: Gallery on Queen, Innisfil Ontario A one-day workshop in experimental printmaking
2009 Art Instructor/Facilitator - South Simcoe Art Council Summer Art Camp Workshops in printmaking and painting (children ages 8 -13 years)
2008 Curatorial - Exchange Exhibition 2008, Initiate and Coordination Two Exhibition - Barrie Art Club, Barrie, and Zephyr Art Gallery, Orillia
1998 - 1996 MacLaren Art Centre - volunteer - graphic design - volunteer newsletter, magazine ads, etc.
1997 Docent, MacLaren Art Centre, Barrie, Ontario (Maple Hill location)
1997 Art Instruction/Facilitator— Sunnybrae Elementary School: Developed and Instructed a Mural Project for students grades 7 and 8
2023- 1985 Graphic Design and Illustration - Janan Arts
Public galleries include: MacLaren Art Centre (Barrie), SDVA Georgian College (Barrie), Quest Gallery (Midland), OMAH Orillia Museum of Art & History (Orillia), Aurora Culture Centre (Aurora)
Municipalities include Town of Innisfil (Sculpture in uncommon places) and Innisfil Library IdealLab (Ice Hut Project), City of Barrie (City Hall Gallery), The Georgina Centre for Arts & Culture (Sutton), Art Gallery of Northumberland, South Simcoe Art Council Gallery (Alliston), BMFA Blue Mountain Foundation for the Arts (Collingwood), The Gibson Gallery (Alliston), Hamilton Conservatory for the Arts Gallery (Hamilton), Kathleen Gormely McKay Art Gallery (Unionville)
For-profit galleries and through membership in Artist Co-operatives include: be contemporary gallery (Innisfil), PRNT Collective (Barrie), Barrie Art Club (Barrie), Double Door Studios & Gallery (Anten Mills), Front Room Gallery (Barrie), Marlow Gallery (Barrie), Gallery 21 (Tottenham), Coldwater Gallery (Coldwater), The Gibson Gallery (Alliston), Le Studio Gallery (Le Fontaine), The White Water Gallery (North Bay), The Mad & Noisy Gallery (Creemore), The Bartlett Gallery (Alton), Kathleen Gormely McKay Art Gallery (Unionville), Art Square Gallery (Toronto), Summer in the City Gallery (Toronto), John B. Aird Gallery (Toronto), Gallery De Goede (Toronto), Art World Fine Art (Toronto), Gallery Moos / Gallery ART 11 (Montreal), Gallery Hittite (Toronto)
Advisory Boards:
Jeanette has served on the Georgian College's Fine Art and Graphic Media Advisory Committee for the past six years (2018 – 2024) and for two years on the MacLaren’s Art Centre’s Programming Committee(2022 – 2024), and thirteen years on the Innisfil’s Art, Culture, and Heritage Council (IACHC) (2011 to 2024). Celebrate Lake Simcoe, Executive Member, Environmental Group, Innisfil, Ontario (2011-2023). She has adjudicated numerous grant programs and artists' exhibitions across Ontario throughout the years.
Community Involvement
2024 - 2008 Benefactor Art Program, MacLaren Art Centre, Barrie, Ontario
2023 Youth Art Show, Innisfil Art Culture and Heritage Council Initiative, Innisfil, Ontario
2022 #ISDay - International Sculpture Day, Curated Exhibition at be contemporary gallery, Innisfil, Ontario
2021 #ISDay - International Sculpture Day, Curated Exhibition at be contemporary gallery, Innisfil, Ontario
2020 #ISDay - International Sculpture Day, Curated Exhibition at be contemporary gallery, Innisfil, Ontario
2020 #ISDay - International Sculpture Day - Facilitated a partnership between Innisfil IdeaLAB and Innisfil Sculpture Group, co-curated a town wide exhibition of sculptures with the interest of public art in some unlikely places to recognizing the power of sculpture in public spaces — post poned. Sculpture Exhibtion presented.
2019 #ISDay - International Sculpture Day - Facilitated a partnership between Innisfil IdeaLAB and newly formed Innisfil Sculpture Group, co-curated a two week, town wide exhibition of sculptures with the interest of public art in some unlikely places to recognizing the power of sculpture in public spaces.
2022 - 2018 IACHC - Organized Innisfil Studio Tour, Youth Art Show, Innisfil, Ontario
2017 IACHC - Organized Innisfil Studio Tour, Great Eight Art Show, Innisfil, Ontario
2022 -2018 Vice Chair- Innisfil Art, Culture and Heritage Council, Innisfil Ontario
2019-2017 Director - Innisfil Art, Culture and Heritage Council, Innisfil Ontario
2012 - 2011 Director Community Engagement - Innisfil Arts, Culture and Heritage Council
2012 - 2011 Founding Chair - Innisfil Arts, Culture and Heritage Council
2012 - 2011 Interm Chair/Steering Committee for the Development of the Innisfil Arts, Culture, and Heritage Council
2012- 2009 Lake Simcoe Watershed Art Project Artists Afloat- A founding member (Steering Committee)
2009 - 2007 Management Committee, Zephyr Art Gallery, Orillia, Ontario
2007 - 2006 Barrie Art Club – Executive Committee, Newsletter Publication, Barrie Ontario